Flexible Preschool options
starting at 2 years old
My Day
A first step into preschool.For ages 2 to 3
A one day a week program with play-based, age-appropriate activities designed especially for active little learners.
Full and Half day optionsFor ages 3 & 4
You choose the number of days per week along with flexible full-day and half-day options.
A flexible program for all children
Our Preschool program is designed to prepare your child for Kindergarten and beyond through the development of a solid foundation of literacy, math, and social skills. Children learn letter-sound relationships; letter, number and sight word recognition; basic mathematical skills and functions; and much more. Our program also nurtures important social and emotional skills such as listening, understanding feelings, resolving conflict, and caring for others and the world.
This well-rounded program also encourages skill development in the arts, creative expression, and physical development.
Curriculum Examples
• Learn Bible verses
• Sing songs and say prayers
• Study Bible lessons about:
• God’s blessings and our thanks
• Jesus as our Savior and good friend who is always with us
• Sharing the love of Jesus
• Investigate using the senses
• Show respect and care for living things
• Experiment with changes in matter
• Explore concepts of force and motion
• Taking care of our environment – recycle and conserve
• Follow basic safety rules when exploring/investigating
• Use scientific tools and technology
Social Studies
• Develop self-awareness – discuss likes and dislikes and things that make us unique, show awareness of self at a younger age
• Expand awareness of family – describe family members, role-play in dramatic play
• Learn about environments and where people live
• Recognize similarities/differences in people
• Identify community workers – act out their roles in dramatic play
• Respect the need for rules at home, in school, and in our community – fairness, sharing, taking turns
• Assume responsibility in caring for our environment – watering plants, feeding the fish, helping clean up
Physical Development
• Engage in active play – move, run, hop, jump, climb
• Participate in cooperative group play
• Practice both gross and fine motor skills
• Move with balance, control, strength, and coordination
• Perform tasks using eye-hand coordination
• Follow simple safety rules
• Identify and practice healthy living habits
Language Arts
• Recite the alphabet
• Identify letters in the alphabet and in a name
• Begin making letter/sound associations
• Use reading strategies to predict what will happen next
• Recognize rhymes, retell a story, illustrate ideas, respond to questions about a story
• Begin to write letters, name, and other words
• Dictate stories
• Use speaking/listening skills to respond to directions, communicate thoughts, ideas, and needs
• Counting skills
• Practice one to one correspondence.
• Recognize numbers.
• Solve simple mathematical problems.
• Recognize and extend simple patterns.
• Distinguish geometric shapes.
• Sort, order, match, compare and describe objects.
• Recognize location and ordinal position – over/under, near/far, in front of/behind, first/last and first, second, third.
Art & Music
• Explore creative movement and dance
• Engage in dramatic activities
• Participate in music activities
• Create art with a variety of tools and techniques
• Experiment with various visual arts materials
• Explore ways to use painting materials
Digital Interactions
With everything going on in a busy preschool day, there isn’t much time left over for screen time, but it is still part of the program. Throughout the day, there are times were children are allowed to work on tablets and computers to reinforce the topics learned in other parts of the program as well as practice basic computer skills like using a mouse & keyboard.